“მედეგი სახელმწიფო – მედეგი საზოგადოება”

“მედეგი სახელმწიფო – მედეგი საზოგადოება”

ჩატარების თარიღ(ებ)ი
Rooms Hotels Tbilisi (Merab Kostava St. 14)

NATO-ს ვარშავის 2016 წლის სამიტის შემდეგ, ალიანსმა ნათლად განაცხადა, რომ მისი წევრი სახელმწიფოების უსაფრთხოება და თავდაცვა მჭიდროდ არის დაკავშირებული ინდივიდუალურ და კოლექტიურ მედეგობაზე. სახელმწიფოს კონტექსტში მედეგობის კონცეფცია გულისხმობს სახელმწიფოსა და საზოგადოების ფუნქციონირებისთვის საჭირო მექანიზმების შენარჩუნებას, კრიზისამდელი მდგომარეობის აღდგენის უნარს და ბუნებრივი ან ადამიანის ქმედებების შედეგად მიყენებული ზიანის შემცირებას. გარდა ამისა, მედეგობის მაღალი ხარისხის შენარჩუნებისთვის პრინციპულად მნიშვნელოვანია მუდმივი ადაპტაცია, არსებული პრაქტიკების გაუმჯობესება და მომხდარი კრიზისების მართვისგან მიღებული გამოცდილების იმპლემენტაცია და შესაბამისი პოლიტიკების და ინტერაქციების დახვეწა როგორც სახელმწიფო ასევე საზოგადოებრივ განზომილებებში. მედეგობის კონცეფციას განსაკუთრებითი პრაქტიკული მნიშვნელობა აქვს ტრადიციულ დემოკრატიებში, რადგან მათი სახელმწიფო ინსტიტუტები და საზოგადოებები მუდმივად არადემოკრატიული და ტოტალიტარული ძალების სამიზნეები არიან. ეს სახიფათო ტენდენცია არ არის შესაბამისად შეფასებული და დაბალანსებული, რამაც შესაძლოა მნიშვნელოვანი ზიანი მიაყენოს დასავლური დემოკრატიების ერთობას და უფრო მეტიც შესაძლოა საფუძველი გამოაცალოს ცალკეული სახელმწიფოების სუვერენიტეტს, ეროვნულ იდენტობას და საზოგადოებრივ ერთიანობას. UGSP-ის მიერ ორგანიზებული კონფერენციის მიზანია, მოხდეს მედეგობის კონცეფციის კიდევ უფრო ღრმა კონცეპტუალიზაცია და ანალიზი/

In this panel, major attention is devoted to the fundamental mechanisms and principles of resilience, that find their manifestation in effective implementation of national security, and military aspects of deterrence and defence. Participants are encouraged to analyze, reflect, and provide recommendations on ongoing and planned measures based on the concrete examples and cases.

While referring to information warfare or the critical vulnerability caused by cyber-attacks, states, organizations, and societies serve as targets ultimately to be influenced and “shaped” in order to reach concrete political objective. Panel discussants will have to decode major tendencies in this field, identify problems and weaknesses in respective response policies and consequently, formulate suggestions that help increase national info-and cyber resilience.

Such terms like national unity and societal cohesion, that were largely disregarded in the past, become crucial if not decisive while determining the state’s ability to resist and respond to various modes of adversarial attacks. Society under attack has far greater chance of success if prepared psychologically and morally and exposes high degree of unity. Panel participants are invited to reflect their findings in this regard and offer policy solutions to bridge existing deficiencies.

მოწვეული სპიკერები

“მედეგი სახელმწიფო – მედეგი საზოგადოება”
Dr. Karl-Heinz Kamp

Dr. Karl-Heinz Kamp is the Special Envoy of the Political Director at the German Ministry of Defence. He studied History and Political Sciences in Bonn and holds a Ph.D. from the University of the German Armed Forces, Hamburg with a dissertation on NATO’s nuclear planning procedures.

He started his career in 1986 at the German Council of Foreign Affairs (DGAP) in Bonn. In 1988, he has been Research Fellow with the Center for Science and International Affairs (CSIA), John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, USA. In September 1988, he joined the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Bonn, where he became Head of the Foreign- and Security Policy Research Section in 1992 and later the Director of its International Planning Staff. From 2003 to 2007, he was the Security Policy Coordinator of the Foundation in Berlin. From 1997 to 1998, Dr. Kamp was on a temporary assignment with the Planning Staff of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in 1999, he taught at the Institute for Political Science at the University of Cologne.

From November 2007 to October 2013, he served as the Research Director of the NATO Defense College (NDC) in Rome to build up NATO's Research Division. In 2009, Secretary Madeleine Albright selected him as one of the Advisors for the NATO Expert Group on the New Strategic Concept.

In November 2013, he joined the Federal Academy for Security Policy in Berlin (BAKS) – first as Academic Director and later as the President of this institution. In October 2019, he moved to the German Ministry of Defence to become the Special Envoy of the Political Director of the MoD.

Since 2016, he is also the co-editor of the strategic journal “Sirius” and he published more than 400 articles on security policy issues in books and journals – including Foreign Policy, Financial Times, Survival, Frankfurter Allgemeine, International New York Times, Washington Quarterly, Internationale Politik, Neue Zuercher Zeitung and Wall Street Journal.

“მედეგი სახელმწიფო – მედეგი საზოგადოება”
Dr. Matthias Dembinski

Dr. Matthias Dembinski, Senior Researcher at Peace Research Institute Frankfurt. Dr. Matthias Dembinski Is a Doctor of Philosophy, Department of International Relations, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt, June 1989. Dr. Matthias Dembinski was a Researcher at the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (Ebenhausen), 1994 – May 1996. Researcher at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt 1992 – 1994. Research Fellow at the Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School, August 2001 – July 2002. Researcher at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt  1989-1991. Various lecture courses and seminars in the field of International Relations and EU studies since 1998. 

Co-leader of a research project financed by the Leibniz-Society on “Drifting Apart: International Institutions in Crisis and the Management of Dissociation Processes“ (2019 -2022) Co-leader of a research project financed by the Deutsche Stiftung Friedensforschung on the effects of humanitarian military interventions (2015-2016) Leader of a project on regional security organizations as building blocks of global governance, financed by the Frankfurt University Cluster Normative Orders (2013). Leader of a research project financed by the Deutsche Stiftung Friedensforschung on “The International Organization of the Democratic Peace” (in cooperation with the University of Tübingen), (2005-2007) He is the author of various publications  here is Five key publications: Matthias Dembinski & Dirk Peters (2019): ‘The Power of Justice. How Procedural Justice Concerns Affect the Legitimacy of International Institutions’, Global Governance, 25(1):149-170. Matthias Dembinski (2017): ‘Procedural justice and global order: Explaining African reaction to the application of global protection norms’, European Journal of International Relations, 23(4) 809-832. Matthias Dembinski & Jutta Joachim (2014): ‘Civil society and the European common security and defence policy’, European Security, European Security 23 (4) 449-465. Matthias Dembinski & Berenike Schott (2013): ‘Converging Around Global Norms? Protection of Civilians in African Union and European Union Peacekeeping in Africa’, African Security, 6 (3-4) 276-296. Matthias Dembinski et. al. (2011), ‘Democracy, Regional Security Institutions, and Rivalry Mitigation: Evidence from Europe, South America, and Asia’, Security Studies, 20,  378-415. 

“მედეგი სახელმწიფო – მედეგი საზოგადოება”
Dr. Gustav Gressel

Policy Fellow

Languages: German and English (fluent), Spanish and Polish (conversational)

Areas of Expertise: Eastern Europe, Russia, armed conflict and military affairs, defence policy, missile defence, missile proliferation

Dr. Gustav Gressel is a Senior Policy Fellow on the Wider Europe Programme at the ECFR Berlin Office. Before joining the ECFR he worked as desk officer for international security policy and strategy in the Bureau for Security Policy in the Austrian Ministry of Defence from 2006 to 2014 and as a research fellow of the Commissioner for Strategic Studies in the Austrian MoD from 2003 to 2006. He also was committed as research fellow in the International Institute for Liberal Politics in Vienna. Before his academic career he served five years in the Austrian Armed Forces.

Gustav earned a PhD in Strategic Studies at the Faculty of Military Sciences at the National University of Public Service, Budapest and a Master Degree in political science at Salzburg University. He is author of numerous publications regarding security policy and strategic affairs and a frequent commentator of international affairs. His opinions appeared in media such as The New York Times, The Guardian, Die Welt, NZZ, Bild, The Diplomat, New Eastern Europe, Foreign Policy, Gazeta Prawna, Rzeczpospolita, Kyiv Post, The Moscow Times, Capital, The Telegraph, The Economist, Newsweek, Deutsche Welle, RTL, Al Jazeera, TVP, TRT, Polskie Radio, RFI, FM4, Ukraine Today, and Radio Free Europe

“მედეგი სახელმწიფო – მედეგი საზოგადოება”
Dr. James W. Derleth

James W. Derleth is a Professor of Irregular Warfare at the George C. Marshall Center for European Security Studies in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. His areas of expertise include Civil-Military Operations, European Politics and Security--with a focus on Central and Eastern Europe, Irregular Warfare, and Stability Operations. 

From 2004-2010 Dr. Derleth was the Senior Stability Advisor at United States Agency for International Development (USAID). He led the team that created an interagency assessment tool that helps identify sources of instability, design programming to diminish them, and measure the effectiveness of the programming. This work was incorporated into U.S. Army and NATO doctrine and USAID’s Stability Policy. Derleth wrote U.S. Army Doctrinal Publication 3-07, Stability Operations and co-wrote NATO’s Allied Joint Publication 3.4.5, Military Support to Stabilization and Reconstruction Operations. He also participated in senior-level interagency task forces that developed and implemented multi-faceted counter-terrorism programs in the Sahel and East Africa. Dr. Derleth has worked in numerous conflict areas, including Afghanistan, Colombia, Iraq, the Horn of Africa, West Africa, and Uganda. 

Dr Derleth’s research is focused on Irregular Warfare and Civil-Military Operations. Recent publication include 

“Failing to Train: Conventional Forces in Irregular Warfare” (Modern War Institute); “Russian New Generation Warfare, Deterring and Winning the Tactical Fight” (Military Review); “Fostering Stability: Understanding Communities in Complex Environments” Occasional Paper #2, Strategy and Security Institute, University of Exeter; and “Fostering a Whole-of-Government Approach to National Security” (Military Review). 

“მედეგი სახელმწიფო – მედეგი საზოგადოება”
Lieutenant General (r) Dr. Florian Coldea

Lieutenant General (r) Florian Coldea, PhD

The longest running deputy director of the Romanian Intelligence Service, holding the office for twelve years with notable results, Florian Coldea ran all operations for Romania`s most significant domestic intelligence agency. After a total of twenty-one years in intelligence, the first spent in counter-terrorism, as an officer and manager, he has acquired significant tactical and strategic expertise in the fields of counter-intelligence, counter-terrorism, economical and trans-border crime. Was decorated by both the American partner, with the CIA Alben W. Barkley Medallion for partnership, and by the French one, with the Knight of the National Order of Merit, awarded by the President of France.

Has aquired a PhD in Military and Intelligence Sciences at the National Intelligence Academy, with a thesis centered around managing change in security and intelligence organizations, and has futher developed intelligence research by publishing several books and articles in the field. Currently uses his expertise to support the development of a solid security culture and formation of new generations of intelligence officers, as a senior lecturer of the “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy in Bucharest, as well as an associate professor for some of the most prestigious civil and military universities in Romania, such as the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Babeş-Bolyai University, the West University in Timişoara, and the „Carol I” National Defense Academy.

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