Contemporary trends of radicalization among young adults in Georgia

Contemporary trends of radicalization among young adults in Georgia

From November 2023 to April 2024, the UG Security, Policy, and Nationalism (UGSPN) team conducted a comprehensive research project analyzing contemporary trends of radicalization among young adults in Georgia. This study titled “The Radical Right and Youth in Georgia: Networks, Mechanisms And Tendencies of Radicalization”  focuses on deconstructing the mobilization strategies of the radical right, exploring their appeal to the youth, and examining the motivations behind their engagement with radical-right ideologies. The research also investigates the nuanced association of the Georgian far right with “pro-Russian” sentiments. Utilizing a triangulation approach, the research combines digital ethnography of the online far-right scene and qualitative semi-structured interviews with youth members and supporters of radical groups. This methodology provides a multifaceted understanding of the radicalization process. The study’s findings highlight complex motivational factors, including a search for alternative pathways, perceptions of global antagonism, and influences from Western politics. Additionally, it underscores the role of online platforms in fostering ideological solidarity and amplifying radical narratives. The research further looks into the radical-right’s mobilization strategies, emphasizing identity, religion, migration, and media opposition. It concludes with recommendations for deradicalization and disengagement strategies tailored to the Georgian context. These findings will be presented at the annual international conference of UGSPN on June 13-14, 2024.