Simulation: “The Student Crisis Simulation and Wargaming 2020”

Simulation: “The Student Crisis Simulation and Wargaming 2020”

On October 5, 2020, the UG School of Social Sciences, in partnership with the NATO Liaison Office in Georgia, hosted senior year BA and MA students to participate in The Student Crisis Simulation and Wargaming within the framework of the second annual International Security Conference: “Georgia in the Western and Russian Military Prism: “If” or “When”?

As a parallel-additional event, a pre-selected scenario-based simulation was conducted with the active participation of 30 students (also young professionals) from different Georgian universities and state agencies: the University of Georgia, Free University of Tbilisi, International Black Sea University, Ilia State University, A. Tsereteli State University, the National Defense Academy of the MOD of Georgia, and Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia.

Students had the possibility of grasping the real policy atmosphere and the gravity of the implications caused by strategic decisions. Within the framework of the simulation, students worked on two main issues: military-political decisions and holding diplomatic negotiations.

During the simulation training, various scenario development and assessment techniques were reviewed, along with the respective impact and stakeholder analyses.

This training also provided students with an excellent opportunity to share simulation findings with the parallel participants in the International Conference.

Participants were awarded certificates, and the 2 winners of the simulation will visit the NATO and EU headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.