Krassen Stanchev

Krassen Stanchev

Dr. Krassen Stanchev teaches Public Choice and Macroeconomic Analysis of Politics at Sofia University,

plus history of economic ideas to humanitarian post-graduates; he is also CEO of KC 2 Ltd and Board

Chairman, founder and former Executive Director of IME ( – the first Bulgaria’s independent

and free market think thank (1993), former member and committee chairman of the Constitutional

Assembly (1990-1991), one of the most quoted Bulgarian observers. He was a principle drafter and

leader of reforms from central planning to market economy and is one of the leaders of those reforms in

Bulgaria and new Europe.

Krassen Stanchev has MA degree in philosophy from the St. Petersburg University (1980) and PhD from

the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1988). For his research, consulting and other activities he has been

awarded Best Country Analyst by EuroMoney (in 1996), For Overall Contribution to Democracy and

Reforms, by the Government of Bulgaria (in 2001) and For Contribution to the Climate of Liberty (in

2006, by the Georgy Vassilev Fund).

After leaving IME in 2006, he worked in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Central Asia (Kazakhstan,

Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan), Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia), and Russia and Egypt, leading

teams and/or being a subcontractor of EU, UN, USAID or the World Bank programs. Currently, he is a

short term consultant in Ukraine, and similar assignment is scheduled for early 2019, in Bosnia and

Herzegovina. Some of these organizations have been clients of KC2 Ltd, along with major foreign

investors in Bulgarian energy, mining and food-processing sectors.

Krassen Stanchev is a member of Mont Pelerin Society, of the Network for Constitutional Economics and

Social Philosophy (NOUS: ), of other national and international and regular

participant in the annual meetings of the Trans-Atlantic Law Forum (of GMU and the Bucelius Law School

of Hamburg).