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Become an Affiliate of the Center!
Term of reference: Affiliated Analyst/Researcher/Instructor/ Scholar

The Security, Policy & Nationalism Center (UGSPN) serves as a platform for research, teaching, and discussion of matters related to security, policy & nationalism studies.

We strive to establish a multi-disciplinary network of scholars and practitioners interested in the related issues with a Geographic focus on South Caucasus, Central and Eastern Europe as well as Russia. For this reason, the center aims to provide a platform for uniting local and connecting international researchers for offering an academic and semi-academic, research-based analysis and informed discussion on the relevant topics.

Considering the above, UGSPN seeks to create a network of experts and students interested in studying security, policy & nationalism. The framework of affiliation serves the basis for such network. Affiliates are invited and selected on year-long, yet renewable basis.

The key roles and responsibilities of the affiliates will be included but not limited to:

  • Contribute to UGSPN platform with an op-ed, analytical paper, book review or memo per the affiliate’s expertise and agreement on timetable.
  • Attending and engaging in the events (public talks, conferences, special lectures) of UGSPN.
  • Upon agreement, work on grant or research projects with UGSPN team.
  • The workload is flexible, agreed in advance and needs based.

Affiliated analysts are paid on an honorarium basis.

The amount of honorarium for a written piece, lecture, or presentation are agreed upon in advance and is remunerated on the basis of short-term service contracts.

Ideal Candidate has:

  • Interest in political science, or relevant social science/humanities
  • Deep understanding of research methodologies;
  • Experience of writing research reports and presenting findings to various constituencies;
  • Excellent English and Georgia writing skills.

In order to apply, please get in touch with us via filling in the form below