Nino Kukhianidze

Nino Kukhianidze

Nino Kukhianidze has over 10 years of professional experience working with the Government, the Parliament, and the Public Defender of Georgia, as well as with USAID supported projects on the issues of conflict resolution, tolerance, minority rights and countering violent extremism (CVE). Nino has served as the deputy team leader for USAID’s Georgia Violent Extremism Risk Analysis research project and throughout 2015-2021 served as the program coordinator for USAID/UNAG’s “Promoting Integration, Tolerance and Awareness” for the Tolerance Center under the Public Defender of Georgia. Since 2011, Nino has been involved in a number of South Caucasus peacebuilding processes which have been supported by international organizations.

For the past 8 years, Nino has been teaching university courses in Peace and Conflict Studies, Political Science and Democracy and Citizenship. The universities she has worked with include the University of Georgia, European University, the International Black Sea University, and San Diego State University. Nino is a member of the Civic Education Lecturer’s Association. Nino holds a Master’s degree in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from George Mason University, she majored in international relations for her undergraduate studies, and has conducted doctoral research on the role of peace education in conflict transformation.