“Election Year: United States and Georgia”

“Election Year: United States and Georgia”

The School of Social Sciences and UG Security, Policy & Nationalism Research Center (UGSPN) invites you to a public discussion: “Election Year: United States and Georgia”

The discussion will be moderated by:

Dr. Natalia Dinello, Director of the Global Governance Program at George Washington University,

Nino Gozalishvili, Academic Head of the UGSPN Research Center.

Location: Auditorium 519

Date: April 29th, 5:00 PM

Featured speakers on the topic of the US elections:

Professor Todd Belt, Director of the Political Management Program, Washington University

Professor Casey Burgat, Director of the Legislative Affairs Program, Washington University

Speakers on the Georgian electoral landscape and dynamics:

Givi Silagadze, Researcher at the Caucasus Research Resource Centers (CRRC) Georgia;

Nino Dolidze, Executive Director of The International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED);

Giorgi Sharabidze, Deputy Chairperson of the Central Election Commission of Georgia